This webpage lists orders recently released by The Director of Residential Tenancy under the Residential Tenancy Act & provides links to those orders.
Recent Orders:
Search Orders
(LD25-014) Order LD25-014 - Landlord Seeking Eviction
(LD25-007) Order LD25-007 - Landlord Seeking Eviction
(LD24-420) Order LD24-420 - Landlord Seeking Eviction
(LD24-412) Order LD24-412 - Landlord Seeking Eviction
(LD24-390) Order LD24-390 - Landlord Seeking Eviction
(LD24-385) Order LD24-385 - Landlord Seeking Eviction
(LD24-383) Order LD24-383 - Landlord Seeking Eviction and Rent Owed
(LD24-379) Order LD24-379 - Landlord Seeking Eviction
(LD24-375) Order LD24-375 - Landlord Seeking Eviction
(LD24-372) Order LD24-372 - Landlord Seeking Eviction
Types of Orders (to see orders of a certain type click the links below):